Business Studies

Business is an internationally recognised qualification and therefore valuable in securing employment within a wide variety of industries.  This GCSE 9-1 Business course provides students with an opportunity to study the activities of real Businesses and the qualification also provides opportunities for students to develop valuable skills that employers and Higher Education establishments look for;

  • Research and distinguishing between relevant and irrelevant data (Secondary data)
  • Effective methods of gathering and analysing Secondary data
  • Written communication skills
  • Working in a small team
  • Creativity in Business
  • Evaluation (including self) and Reflection

Students complete 2 examinations at the end of Year 11 which contribute 100% of the final grade with students’ knowledge being tested in the following areas;

  • Business in the real world
  • Influences on Business
  • Business Operations
  • Human Resources
  • Marketing
  • Finance

Please contact Mrs Taylor in A13 for further information

This qualification is excellent for students who are in full time education and are keen to progress to higher education and/or pursue a career in business or business related subjects. It is a substantial vocational qualification which provides a broad, deep understanding of business knowledge and skills to support students’ progress to either higher education or the world of work.

This course prepares students to take up employment in business and entrepreneurship in the future as it develops key fundamental knowledge and skills recognised by employers such as Teamwork, Communications skills.  Students are assessed during the course, not only on knowledge and understanding gained but on how these can shape their key skills.

Students will learn about the way that a successful is a function of the relationship between its people, marketing, finance and its ability to deliver operationally on its commitments.

This course is assessed using a variety of methods and is detailed below, as such students will also need to be able to organise their own time and meet coursework deadlines effectively and consistently.

Level 3 Certificate in Business

Year 1 Topics of Study (Year 12)

  • Financial Planning and Analysis (Exam)
  • Business Dynamics (Coursework portfolio)
  • Entrepreneurial Opportunities (Externally assessed portfolio)

Year 2 Topics of Study (Year 13)- Year 1 content plus:

  • Managing and Leading People (Exam)
  • Developing a Business Proposal (Coursework portfolio)
  • 1 Optional Unit (Coursework portfolio), either
    • Managing an event or
    • Marketing communications or
    • E-business implementation

The overall qualification is graded as P, M, D and D*and carries the same UCAS equivalent points from a traditional ‘A’ Level.

Upon successful completion of the first year units, the student will be eligible for the award of a Level 3 Certificate which is the equivalent of one AS Level. Upon successful completion of the first and second year units, the student will be eligible for the award of the Level 3 Extended Certificate which is equivalent of one A Level.

Further information about the course which is endorsed by UK Universities, can be found on the AQA website

For further information about the course, please contact Mrs Taylor in school.