Dress Code
In the Sixth Form, you are not required to wear a uniform, but there are guidelines commonly called a ‘Dress Code’
The Dress Code here at The Ripley Academy, states that you should wear clothes which are appropriate for study and we call this ‘smart casual’. The school is a working environment so this means that clothing should be smart.
The objectives of our Dress Code are;
- To prepare students for the world of work.
- To set high standards as role models.
- To ensure clothing does not cause offence.
Therefore, our Dress Code excludes the following clothing;
- Clothing with political and/or offensive slogans/images.
- Beachwear including swimming shorts and flip flops.
- Shorts, skirts/dresses significantly above the knee.
- Revealing, cropped or strappy tops.
- Clothing that is excessively ripped.
There may be occasions when an item not listed above is also deemed inappropriate. In these circumstances a member of the Sixth Form team, SLT or reception will speak to you. If you are in any doubt speak to your tutor or a member of the Sixth Form team for clarification.