We are Ambitious.
We are Committed.
We are Proud.

Welcome from our Headteacher

I am extremely proud to be the Head Teacher of The Ripley Academy and am absolutely committed to ensuring we provide the best quality care and education for the children of our community. All staff at The Ripley Academy are very ambitious for our students’ futures. Our aspiration for all our learners is for them to become “nothing short of remarkable”. I regularly tell the students that my hopes and dreams for them are that they can become anything they want to be and do anything they want to do; a remarkable future is all within their grasp. My vision to achieve this centres around ambition, commitment and pride. We use the tagline “We are ambitious. We are committed. We are proud” which makes up The Ripley Way.

Thank you for taking the time to look around our website and I hope you enjoy discovering more about our great school. I look forward to working with all parents and carers in order to provide the highest quality education and experience to the young people of our community.

Mrs H Frost-Briggs


Why Ripley Academy?

Grade 4 or above in English & Maths

With 66% of our students achieving a grade 4 or above in both English and Maths, our students continue to perform above the national and local average.

Grade 5 or above in English & Maths

At 46% our students remain above the national and local average for achieving grades 5-9 in English and Maths.

20 Qualifications

A wide range of over 20 separate qualifications offered in the Sixth form.

High Aspirations

2023 university destinations include Oxford, Cambridge, Bristol, Aberystwyth, Lancaster, Royal Holloway, Sheffield Hallam, Portsmouth, Nottingham Trent, Manchester Metropolitan, Derby, Northampton.

What Makes Us Unique >

"Pupils are proud to come to this school"

Ofsted 2020

"The atmosphere in school is happy and harmonious."

Ofsted 2020

"Leaders have ensured that the curriculum is ambitious for all pupils, including those students in the sixth form."

Ofsted 2020

Contact Us

The Ripley Academy

01773 746334



If you have any safeguarding concerns relating to a child that attends The Ripley Academy, please email safeguarding@ripleyacademy.org

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