
Any successful school relies on the input and hard work of three parties; the students, the staff and the parents.  The Ripley Academy is committed to involving the parents and carers of students in as many parts of school life as possible. Parental involvement runs throughout a child’s life in the school.

Parents are kept informed of their child’s progress via regular ‘Progress Reports’.  These are colour coded to highlight over or underachievement.

The school runs extended ‘Consultation Afternoons’ where parents have a chance to meet their children’s teachers and discuss progress.

We run regular parental information evenings ranging from Year 6 Parent Roadshows through to Year 12 ‘Help with UCAS’ Evenings.

Parents will be informed and invited to children’s performances ranging from the Christmas Carol Concert through to Sports Day.



The school is committed to setting Homework online via Class Charts.  All parents have log-ins where they can view their children’s homework, homework deadlines, attendance, achievements and timetable.