Remote Learning

A plan for the need for remote learning will ensure the ongoing education of our students under unusual circumstances. At The Ripley Academy, we are committed to providing continuity of education to all of our students and we will do this through a blended learning approach to best fit the needs of our students and staff.

By providing a plan for remote learning we aim to future-proof against long term closures that could happen at any time: due to school closure from illness epidemic, weather events, power-loss, etc. but does not apply in the event of a short-term closure or student absence. It also covers the ongoing education of students who cannot be in school during exceptional circumstances (e.g. following an infectious disease outbreak) but are able to continue with their education when the school remains fully open.

There maybe occasions that we ask students to undertake learning at home.  The main platform for this will be Class Charts.  Resources and lessons will be uploaded, by teachers, to Class Charts.  Students, where possible, should access the work online and return it to their teacher through Class Charts.

If students are finding difficulties with home learning they can contact their teacher with any questions or queries via email.  In some circumstances there may be a delay in your teacher responding.  We recommend, where possible, that students follow their school timetable when undertaking home learning.

Remote Learning Lead 

Our Deputy Headteacher (Teaching and Learning) is responsible for formulating and overseeing Remote Learning. Any questions or concerns should be addressed, in the first instance to Mrs Thawley, Deputy Headteacher.

Assessment and Feedback during Remote Learning

Providing feedback is integral to all good teaching and learning and we are aware that during remote learning this can be challenging for staff and students.  The method of feedback will be varied and may be restricted by remote learning. Staff will select the most appropriate method of feedback through Class Charts (e.g. written comments, audio, whole class feedback).

It is expected that students will return completed work via Class Charts to meet the set deadline. Staff will ensure that feedback is given on assessments and key pieces of work during school closures. Similarly, to normal working practices, it is not expected that all work will be marked and feedback given, however staff may wish to comment and add praise where necessary. The normal Marking Policy for the school should be adhered to in terms of frequency and content. In the event of a school closure, primary care of students rests with parents and carers.  During extended periods of school closure, tutors, Heads of Year or support staff will check in regularly with students to monitor academic progress and wellbeing.

Safeguarding procedures continue to be adhered to throughout student absence or school closures. Staff have a duty to inform all concerns to the Designated Safeguarding Lead using My Concern.  Staff are also reminded that the GDPR policy must be followed during all instances of school closure or staff/student absence. With the increase in time students will be on the internet during school closures, the following resources are useful for parents to familiarise themselves with.

Teaching Your Child about Internet & Online Safety | NSPCC

Support for parents and carers to keep children safe online.


Contact Us

The Ripley Academy

01773 746334

GCSE and A level certificates

GCSE and A level certificates are now ready to collect from reception We are open Monday-Thursday 8am-4.00pm and Friday 8.00am to 3.30pm