Physical Education

Remarkable Curriculum

Our PE department have set out to design our curriculum around a set of key objective and goals. Select the link below to view and download.

Career Links

Physical education skills open doors to diverse career opportunities, promoting teamwork, leadership, and a commitment to health and wellness.

The British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences 

Careers in Sport

UK Coaching

Curriculum Resource Links

To support your child throughout their studies, our team recommend the following external content.

BBC Bitesize – PE

Revision World

Seneca Learning


Download a parent version

Download a student version

Success is no accident. It is home work, perseverance, learning, studying, sacrifice and most of all, love of wat you are doing and learning to do


Contact Us

The Ripley Academy

01773 746334

GCSE and A level certificates

GCSE and A level certificates are now ready to collect from reception We are open Monday-Thursday 8am-4.00pm and Friday 8.00am to 3.30pm