
Students at The Ripley Academy are excited to develop their leadership skills, deliver a range of projects and ideas to further enhance our anti-bullying policy and create a culture which promotes kindness, compassion and understanding and they do this by becoming one of our Anti-Bullying Ambassadors. They are passionate young people who will stand up to bullying behaviour and believe they can change things for the better.

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors believe that bullying behaviour is not acceptable and should not be part of everyday life at school. They support others and are upstanders against bullying behaviour and a support network for their peers. They stand to shape attitudes and change behaviours. They are a pillar of support, look out for others and are a strong voice for the school community.

Bullying behaviour is a serious issue amongst young people, with nearly half of young people expressing they have been bullied in the last 12 months (Department for Education). If not dealt with effectively, it can have long-term negative consequences on health and wellbeing (Wolke & Lereya, 2015). It is therefore clear that we need to work together to tackle bullying behaviour.

At the heart of our fight against bullying is empathy – the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. Empathy is a powerful tool. It transforms bystanders into allies and helps us approach conflict with understanding rather than judgment.

Here at The Ripley Academy, we created an Anti-Bullying Alliance Group, to support students who feel that they have been subjected to any form of bullying. Laura Forster is the Anti Bullying Lead within school, and she has recruited a number of students who are passionate about supporting others.

The Ambassadors have completed training which in return has given them to the correct skills that are necessary to support the students within out school community. To acknowledge this, the students have been awarded badges so that other students can recognise them.

We encourage students to reach out and ensure that their voices are heard. It is important that out students feel comfortable, safe and supported in their school environment. Our dedicated Ambassadors are on hand daily to offer guidance and shoulder to lean on when it is needed.

What actions do we take –

• Educate
• Support Victims
• Hold Bullies Accountable
• Create safe spaces around school
• Training for Ambassadors
• Implement clear policies and procedures
• Peer mentoring

Together we can build a future where everyone feels safe, valued, and empowered to be themselves. Let’s create a world where kindness and respect outshine cruelty and fear.
Together, we can stop bullying.