Personal Development

Remarkable Curriculum

At Ripley Academy our Personal Development curriculum is led by Mrs Tollervey. Mrs Tollervey has worked tirelessly to ensure our students are well supported in all areas of personal growth with a curriculum which goes beyond the requirements of the National Curriculum. Taught in a timetabled lesson, our curriculum intent model for Personal Development can be found below.

The school fully respects that some parents and students may have their own particular convictions and if these are incompatible with the content of RSE lessons, then arrangements can be made to withdraw your child from these. Please contact the Headteacher, in writing, if you need to make this request.
For any additional information on our Personal Development curriculum please contact


Career Links

Personal Development skills are essential to success in the outside world. All jobs rely on you having the character to be ambitious and committed and our curriculum aims to support this development.  Below is a bank of links to support you in the application of any job role.

Unifrog – Used here at The Ripley Academy to support all student development. 

All about careers

Curriculum Resource Links

To support your child throughout their studies, our team recommend the following external content.

BBC Bitesize

CCEA Revision Resources



The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.

Ralph Waldo Emerson